'10세영어'에 해당되는 글 39건
- 2022.12.01
- 2022.12.01
- 2022.12.01
- 2022.12.01
- 2022.11.28
- 2022.11.28
- 2022.11.28
- 2022.11.28
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Heavy or Light? (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Can you guess? (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sheepdog Max (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sam’s Trick (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Ling’s New Friend (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ My Shadow Clock (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Can you guess? (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sheepdog Max (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sam’s Trick (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Ling’s New Friend (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ My Shadow Clock (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Heavy or Light? (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sheepdog Max (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sam’s Trick (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Ling’s New Friend (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Heavy or Light? (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Can you guess? (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sam’s Trick (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Ling’s New Friend (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Joan’s Hat (0) | 2022.11.28 |
Sam sat by his dog.
Sam climed onto his dad’s lab.
전치사 by ~옆에, onto ~의 위로
Maybe your dog took it.
부사 maybe ~일지도 모른다.
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Can you guess? (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sheepdog Max (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Ling’s New Friend (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Joan’s Hat (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Bill’s Bull (0) | 2022.11.28 |
Let’s play with me.
let us 동사: 같이 ~하자
Mimi crept closer and closer.
형용사er and 형용사er: 점점 ~하는
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sheepdog Max (0) | 2022.12.01 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sam’s Trick (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Joan’s Hat (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Bill’s Bull (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/W12/27번/다독/ The Shape Game ~ A Scare for Bear (0) | 2022.10.02 |
Joan was going to visit the queen.
~할 예정이었다(하지만 안 했다)
That shirt looks good.
It tastes salty.
look/taste + 형용사: ~해 보인다/~한 맛이 난다
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Sam’s Trick (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Ling’s New Friend (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Bill’s Bull (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/W12/27번/다독/ The Shape Game ~ A Scare for Bear (0) | 2022.10.02 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/W11/27번/다독/ The Light-bulb ~ Make a Rainbow Fish (0) | 2022.09.25 |
I had a belly that was full of jellybeans.
관계대명사 that 절: 앞의 명사을 설명해준다.
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Ling’s New Friend (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/ Joan’s Hat (0) | 2022.11.28 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/W12/27번/다독/ The Shape Game ~ A Scare for Bear (0) | 2022.10.02 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/W11/27번/다독/ The Light-bulb ~ Make a Rainbow Fish (0) | 2022.09.25 |
[윙스리더스] 윙스레벨6/W10/27번/다독/ Play Bear ~ Have you been? (0) | 2022.09.18 |