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  1. 2021.03.29
    [영어독해] More Twins Being Born than Ever Before
  2. 2021.03.21
    [영어청취] BTS win Billboard Award and make millions from Big Hit IPO
  3. 2021.01.20
    [영어청취] Trot is hot: It's not just K-pop in South Korea
  4. 2020.11.06
    [영어독해] Born to prevent war, UN at 75 faces a deeply polarized world
  5. 2020.08.03
    [engoo daily-news] Realists Happier in Long Term Than Optimists
  6. 2020.07.28
    [CNN] Parts of China wrecked by raging floodwaters
  7. 2020.07.24
    [engoo daily-news] Moderate Drinking May Slow Mental Decline
  8. 2020.07.23
    [EBSe 영어뉴스] Riding Hardship

최근 한 연구에 따르면 전 세계적으로 그 어느 때 보다 더 많은 쌍둥이가 태어나고 있다는 소식입니다.

연구진은 쌍둥이 출산율이 지난 40년 동안 30% 증가했다고 보고했습니다.

특히나, 아시아와 아프리카 지역에서의 쌍둥이 출산율이 40%를 넘어섰습니다.

이에 대한 주된 이유로는 늦은 출산과 인공 수정 지원 증가를 원인으로 꼽을 수 있다고 밝혔습니다.

하지만, 쌍둥이 임신으로 인한 합병증은 산모와 아기 모두에게 부정적 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 강조했습니다.

이에 따라, 최근 많은 국가에서는 쌍둥이 출산율을 낮추기 위한 의료 지원 을 줄이고 있습니다.

그렇기 때문에, 향후 10년 동안 쌍둥이 출산율은 하락이 전망되어, 오늘의 쌍둥이 출산율이 현재와 미래의 최고 기록이 될 것이라고 예상했습니다.


Study: More Twins Being Born than Ever Before

According to a new study published in the journal Human Reproduction, more twins are being born than ever before.
Researchers compared data from more than 110 countries over two periods: 1980 to 1985 and 2010 to 2015. It was found that the number of twins being born per 1,000 births increased by over 30% between those two periods, rising from 1.2 million to almost 1.7 million sets of twins born per year.
Of those, the researchers say that 42% of twins are now born in Asia and 41% in Africa.
However, the regions with the biggest increases were Europe, North America and Oceania, all of which increased from about 10 sets of twins per 1,000 births to about 15.
Africa had the highest proportion of twins being born over both periods, but it also showed the smallest percentage change in this figure, increasing only slightly from 16.5 pairs of twins per 1,000 births to 17.1.
According to the study authors, the main reason for twins becoming more prevalent is the increase in medically assited reproduction (MAR), although more people opting to have children later in life is also a factor. Both are known to increase the likelihood of having twins, and both have become more common in wealthier countries since the 1970s.
The researchers also point out that having twins results in a greater risk of health complications for both mothers and their babies. They also say that since around 2000 many countries have altered their rules for MAR to try to reduce the number of twins being born.
Because of this, the authors say that the rate of twins being born may start to decline over the next 10 years. This  could mean that not only is the number of twins being born today the highest it's ever been — it's also quite likely the highest it ever will be.

courtesy of

Study: More Twins Being Born than Ever Before | Engoo 데일리뉴스

According to a new study published in the journal Human Reproduction, more twins are being born than ever before.



A recent study found that pairs of twins being born today have set a record. The researchers showed that the number of twins being born increased by 30% over the 40 years. In particular, Asia and Africa scored a 40% rise in the birthrate of twins. The research also reported that the spike in medically assisted reproduction (MAR) is the main culprit of this phenomenon, regardless of whether couples conceive later in life. It is believed that both of the factors contribute to a sharp rise in the birth of twins. What's more, both are prevalent in wealthier countries since the 1970s. Meanwhile, the researchers suggested that having twins could put both mothers and babies at risk of developing health complications. Therefore, an estimated 2000 countries have made their effort to decrease the number of twins being born. In the end, there is no dispute that we will see a decline in the birth of twins for the foreseeable future, making history of today's highest birthrate of twins for many years to come.



Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


[뉴스 전문]

October 15th will be a day to remember for the members of BTS.

10월 15일은 BTS에게는 기억에 남을 날이 될 것입니다.

First, they claimed the Billboard Music Award for Top Social Artist for the fourth year in a row, and there they performed their hit song, "Dynamite."

먼저 방탄소년단은 4년 연속으로 빌보드 뮤직 어워드에서 '탑 소셜 아티스트'상을 수상했고, 시상식장에서 히트곡 '다이나마이트'를 열창했습니다.

And their day was far from over.

이게 전부가 아닙니다.

Their management company, Big Hit Entertainment, also went public on the Korean stock market, making the boys around 13 million dollars each.

방탄소년단의 소속사인 빅히트 엔터네이먼트가 한국 증시에 상장되었고, 멤버들은 1인당 약 1,300만 달러 가량을 벌게 됩니다.

The stock opened at double the IPO price, then shot up by the daily limit of 30 percent.

공모가의 2배로 거래를 시작했고 1일 상승 제한폭인 30%까지 '따상'했습니다.

It closed about 4.5 percent lower, but still a profitable day. 

시초가보다 약 4.5% 낮은 가격에 장을 마감했습니다만, 그래도 남는 날이었습니다.

The company's chairman, Bang Si-hyuk, had said he would treat the members equally, gave them nearly 70,000 shares each. 

방시혁 빅히트 대표이사는 방탄소년단 멤버 모두를 공평하게 대우할 것이라고 밝혔고, 멤버 1인당 7만주의 주식을 증여했습니다.

The stock's debut got media attention around the world, but much of that pointing out how much the company relies on BTS

빅히트의 상장은 전세계 언론의 관심을 받았습니다. 그러나 대부분은 빅히트의 BTS 의존도에 관한 보도였습니다. 

They account for the vast majority of the company's revenue, and it's a concern for investors that the members of the band still need to perform the mandatory military duty, required of all able-bodied  South Korean men.   

BTS는 빅히트의 수입 대부분을 차지하고 있고,  방탄소년단이 병역의 의무를 이행해야 한다는 점이 투자자들에게는 걱정거리 입니다. 모든 신체 건강한 한국 남성들의 의무입니다. 



claim V: to gain, win or achieve sth

go public: (of a company) to start selling shares on the STOCK EXCHANGE

cf) He live up to his name. 이름 값을 하다
He lives up to expectations.= He meets expectations.  기대에 부응하다.

IPO N: initial public offering; the first time that stock in a company is available for the public to buy on the stock market

cf) 비상장사: privately-held companies -> 상장사: public companies = listed companies = pubulicly-traded companies

able-bodied ADJ: physically strong and healthy, especially when compared with someone who is disabled

courtesy of:

BTS win Billboard Award and make millions from Big Hit IPO

BTS win Billboard Award and make millions from Big Hit IPO




Photo by Tony Pham on Unsplash

[기사 전문]

Trot is hot: It's not just K-pop in South Korea

한국은 지금 트로트 전성시대

A singer in a sweet pink blouse belting out a sentimental Korean ballad.

고운 핑크색 블라우스를 입은 가수가 서정적인 한국 발라드를 열창하고 있습니다.

It's a far cry from K-pop with its global hitmakers like BTS or Black Pink.

BTS나 블랙핑크와 같은 세계적 '히트 제조기'를 자랑하는 케이팝과는 전혀 다릅니다.

But South Korea's oldest popular music 'Trot' is making a comeback.

그러나 한국의 가장 오래된 대중음악 장르인 트로트가 다시 인기를 끌고 있습니다.

It's been propelled by an older generation learning to navigate the online world of fandom.

인터넷 팬덤 활동을 알게된 기성세대가 이를 주도하고 있습니다.

54-year old Song Jang-choon heads up a fan club for singer Song Ga-in.

송장춘(54세)씨는 가수 송가인의 팬클럽 회장입니다.

With themes like unrequited love and longing, trot resonates with the retirees, who helped build Asia's fourth largest economy from the ashes of war.

짝사랑과 열망 등을 주제로 하는 트로트는 은퇴한 나이 지긋한 분들의 심금을 울립니다. 이들은 6.25의 폐허 속에서 대한민국을 아시아 4대 경제 국가로 성장시키는 데 일조한 주역들입니다.

And while it's been a long time since trot was considered cool, analysts say that its fans are now an economic force to be reckoned with.

트로트가 인기 몰이를 한지는 꽤 오래 되었지만, 팬들은 무시할 수 없는 경제력을 지녔다고 전문가들은 말합니다.

The genre has also been given a boost by movies like Mr. Trot featuring aspiring singers and the genre superstar Lim Young-wong.

트로트가 이렇게 성장하게 된 데에는 영화가 한 몫을 했습니다. 가수 지망생들과 트로트 슈퍼스타인 임영웅이 출연한 '미스터 트롯' 등이 있습니다.

Partly because of a language barrier, trot is unlikely to catch up with the multi-billion dollar global behemoth of K-pop.

언어 장벽을 비롯해 여러 이유로 트로트는 수십 억 달러 규모의 글로벌 거대 시장인 케이팝을 따라잡을 수 있을 것 같지 않습니다. 

But for now, the wave of nostalgia looks set to roll on, a musical respite during a year of crisis.

그러나 현재로서는 옛 향수의 물결계속 퍼져나갈 것으로 보입니다. 위기의 한해 속에서 음악 덕분에 조금 숨을 돌릴 수 있게 되었습니다.



belt out [phr v]:  to sing a song or play an instrument loudly

a far cry from sth: Something that is a far cry from something else is very different from it.

make/stage a comeback: if a person, activity, style etc makes a comeback, they become popular again after being unpopular for a long time

propel V: to move, drive, or push something forward

navigate V: to find your way around on a particular website, or to move from one website to another

fandom N: All the fans of a sport, an activity, or a famous person

head = head up V: to be in charge of a team, government, organization etc

unrequited ADJ: (of love) not returned by the person that you love 

resonate V: 

(of a voice, an instrument, etc.) to make a deep, clear sound that continues for a long time

(resonate with sb/sth) to remind sb of sth; to be similar to what sb thinks or believes

= strike/touch a chord (with sb)

reckon with / [reckon with sb/sth] phr v
-> sb/sth to be reckoned with
: someone or something that is powerful and must be regarded seriously as a possible opponent, competitor, danger etc

aspiring ADJ: 

an aspiring actor/politician/writer, etc.

: someone who is trying to become a successful actor, politician, writer, etc.\

behemoth N: something that is extremely large and often extremely powerful

nostalgia [UC]: a feeling that a time in the past was good, or the activity of remembering a good time in the past and wishing that things had not changed

respite [UC]: a short break or escape from sth difficult or unpleasant


courtesy of:




Photo by Mat Reding on Unsplash

전쟁 막기 위해 설립된 유엔(UN), 심각한 양극화 세계 속 75주년을 맞이하다.

지난 9월 국제연합(이하 유엔)이 설립 75주년을 맞이하며, 유엔 사무총장은 양국화와 독자노선을 걷는 세계 지도자들에게 협력과 더불어 강대국 간의 무력 분쟁을 기피를 촉구하며 다자주의의 부활을 강조하였습니다.

이번 유엔의 75주년 공식 기념식은 코로나19의 팬데믹이라는 초유의 상황으로 인해 온라인으로 규모를 줄여 행사가 진행되었습니다.

이번 75주년 유엔 기념식은 전세계의 현 상황을 평가하는 기회인 동시에 193개 회원국으로 이루어진 국제기구 유엔의 지난 70여년 동안의 행보와 향후 겪게 될 어려움 등을 담았습니다.



Born to prevent war, UN at 75 faces a deeply polarized world

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations marked its 75th anniversary Monday with its chief urging leaders of an increasingly polarized, go-it-alone world to work together and preserve the...



영국 최근 연구에 따르면 행복의 장기적 관점에서 긍정적 사고를 지닌 낙관론자보다 정확한 정보를 근거에 기댄 현실주의자가 더욱 큰 행복을 느낀다고 발표했습니다. 

연구원들은 천 6백 명의 영국인들을 대상으로 18년 동안의 삶에 대한 기대와 만족감, 정신 건강 등을 분석했습니다.

기존 연구의 결과에서는 80%의 사람들이 비현실적 낙관론자로 삶에 대한 긍정적 사건의 가능성은 과대평가하며, 부정적 사건의 가능성은 과소평가했습니다. 그런데 최근 연구는 이러한 인생에 대한 기대 등으로 인해 장기적으로는 높은 실망감을 느끼며 행복 지수 또한 낮았음을 확인시켜줬습니다.

실제로, 연구 결과에 따르면 비관론자들은 장기적 관점에서 행복 지수가 22% 감소하였으며 낙천론자들은 14%의 감소를 보여줬습니다.

즉, 연구 결과가 제시하고 있는 것은 합리적이고 현실적인 신념을 근거로  계획을 세우거나 의사 결정을 한다면 실망감과 행복감 저하라는 나쁜 결과를 벗어날 수 있다는 것입니다. 

연구진은 긍정적 사고를 위하여 노력하지 않아도, 미래에 대한 혹은 의사 결정에 대한 현실적 증거가 있다면 오랫동안 행복할 수 있다고 덧붙였습니다.


Photo by Stan B on Unsplash



Realists Happier in Long Term Than Optimists

While everyone from self-help writers to the Mayo Clinic has promoted the idea that positive thinking is the key to happiness, a new study suggests that it is realists, not optimists, who experience a greater sense of long-term well-being.
Researchers from the University of Bath and the London School of Economics and Political Science used national survey data to examine 1,600 British people's financial expectations in life, and compared them to actual outcomes over 18 years. They also looked at participants' self-reported levels of satisfaction with their lives and their mental health.
Past studies have estimated that about 80% of people are "unrealistic optimists," overestimating the likelihood of positive events and underestimating the possibility of negative ones. Those expectations set them up for high levels of disappointment and, according to the new study, poorer long-term well-being.
In fact, the study found that while the most pessimistic people had about a 22% reduction in long-term well-being, the most optimistic people also had an almost 14% reduction.
The findings point to the benefits of making decisions based on accurate information, which challenges the "power of positive thinking," or the idea that believing in success will make it happen and bring happiness.
However, the researchers say this doesn't mean that negative thinking should replace positive thinking. Pessimists also did poorly when it came to long-term happiness, suggesting that having low expectations also does not protect people from feeling disappointment.
Dr. Chris Dawson from the University of Bath explained that plans based on inaccurate beliefs are almost certain to lead to worse outcomes than those made based on rational, realistic beliefs. He added that this is especially true for decisions about employment, savings or any choice involving risk.
He added that the research shows that you don't have to spend your time trying to make yourself think more positively — which might be a relief for some people. Instead, the results show that it's being realistic about your future and making good decisions based on evidence that can lead to a long-term sense of well-being.




A study recently released in the U.K. has suggested that it's a realist that has greater happiness in the long term rather than an optimist. Researchers analyzed data involving 1,600 British people to see how they had expectations in life and were satisfied with their lives as well as their mental health. The previous study showed that it's more likely for optimists to tend to overestimate the chance of positive events while having a tendency to underestimate the likelihood of the negative ones. The new research has confirmed that those high levels of expectations in life left people disappointed or unhappy for the long term. What the findings place emphasis on is the benefits of decision making hinged on rational, realistic information that would protect people from feeling disappointed. The researchers added that it might as well being realistic about the future and making decisions relied on implications that could bring long-term well-being.


최근 2개월간 계속된 폭우로 중국 양쯔강 유역이 침수되어 수천명의 수재민이 발생하는 등 재산피해와 인명피해가 심각하다는 소식입니다.

양쯔강은 동쪽 도시를 관통하는데요, 여기에는 코로나19의 발원지인 우한도 포함되어 코로나19로 입은 피해에 엎친데 덮친격으로 홍수 피해까지 이중고를 겪고 있습니다.

Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash


* 아래 뉴스의 출처는이며, 모든 해석과 어휘는 유튜버 김성백의 생생영어 강의에 근거하였음을 알려드립니다. *


김성백의 생생영어

통번역사, EBS '영자 신문 읽기' 진행자, 통번역대학원 진학 전문 강사의 고품격, 실전 영어 세상.



Parts of China wrecked by raging floodwaters

중국 홍수 피해 속출

China's government mobilizing into what one official calls wartime mode, splitting its efforts between containing the novel coronavirus to stopping widespread flooding.

중국 정부는 한 관계자가 '전시 모드'라고 명명한 현 상황에 인력을 동원하고 있습니다. 이제 신종 코로나바이러스 저지에서 광범위한 홍수 대처에까지 신경을 쓰고 있습니다.

It's already proven devastating and deadly.

이번 홍수로 이미 많은 재산 피해와 인명 피해가 발생했습니다.

Heavy downpours in recent weeks have left multiple parts of the country submerged.

최근 몇 주 동안 내린 폭우로 중국 여러 지역이 침수되었습니다.

Officials say the rising waters are surging through roughly 24 provinces, cities, and regions, impacting more than 37 million people, forcing about two million residents out of their homes.

당국에 따르면 수위가 높아지면서 24개 성, 시, 지역에 물이 차올랐다고 합니다. 3천7백만명 이상은 수해를 입었고, 약 2백만명이 대피해야 했습니다.

At least 147 people are missing or presumed dead.

최소 147명이 실종되었거나 사망한 것으로 추정됩니다.

The hardest hit areas are along the Yangtze, Asia's longest river.

가장 큰 피해를 입은(직격탄을 맞은) 지역은 아시아에서 가장 긴 양쯔강 유역입니다.

It flows east through cities like Wuhan, the original epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.

강은 동쪽으로 흐르면서 여러 도시를 관통하는데요, 코로나바이러스의 발원지인 유한도 포함됩니다.

The bustling metroplis first paralized this year by the burutal 76-day lockdown.

금년 활기 가득한 대도시 우한은 숨박히는 76일간의 봉쇄로 마비되었습니다.

Now, it sits soaked by relentless rains.

이제 계속된 비로 침수된 상태입니다.

Multiple rescue efforts now underway, from crews carrying a newborn to safety to offering their backs to an elderly man unable to wade through the currents alone.

현재 다각적 구조 작업이 진행중입니다. 구조 대원들이 신생아를 안전지대로 옮기기도 하고 혼자서는 물길을 헤치고 나갈수 없는 할아버지에게 등을 빌려주기도 합니다.

And the search for survivors happening late into the night.

생존자 수색은 밤 늦게까지 진행되고 있습니다.

For those who make it to dry land, humanitarian teams setting up shelters and dishing out meals.

침수 지역을 벗어난 이들을 위해, 자원봉사자들은 대피소를 마련하고 음식을 나누어 주고 있습니다.

The harsh currents have carved out a portion of roadways, isolating residents and forcing urgent repairs.

급류로 일부 철로 구간이 소실되었고, 주민들이 고립되어 긴급 복구가 시급합니다.

China's central government allocating some 165 million U.S. dollars to disaster releif.

중국 중앙 정부는 재난 구호를 위해 1억6천5백만 달러를 배정했습니다.

But they warn that the damage already done is nearing $12 billion.

그러나 이미 발생한 피해는 120억 달러에 육박한다고 경고했습내댜ㅣ.

For the second time in a matter of months, life in central China brought to a halt.

겨우 몇 달 사이에 두 차례나 중국 중부 지역 주민들의 삶이 마비되었습니다.

First battered by the virus, now wrecked by raging floodwaters.

먼저는 코로나19로 인한 피해였다면, 이제는 홍수 범람으로 인한 피해입니다.




mobilize V: to organize or parepare sth, such as a group, for a purpose


split sth between sb/sth V: to divide sth into seperate parts and share it between two or more people


devastate V: to destroy a place or thing completely or casing a lot of damage

devastating ADJ: casing a lot of damage or destruction


downpour N: a lot of rain in a short time

cf) heavy downpours = heavy rains = torrential rains


submerge V: to go under the surface of the water or liquid

cf: be submerged = be under water = be inundated = be flooded


leave sb/sth ADJ/~ing: (result of accident, illness, event) if an event, accident, illness etc leaves you in a particular condition, you are in that condition because of it

ex) The storm has left thousands of people homeless.


surge (+ ADV/Pre) V: if a large of a liquid, electricity, chemicals etc surges, it moves very quickly and suddenly


province N: one of the areas that some countries are divided into with its own local government

ex) a Chinese province 


force V: to make sth happen or change, especially more quickly than planned or expected


missing ADJ: sb who is missing has disappeared


be presumed dead/innocent etc: to accept sth is true until it its shown to not be true


the hardest hit areas = worst-hit areas = worst affected areas


bustling ADJ: full of people moving about in a busy way


metropolis N: a large important city

metropolitan ADJ


sit (+ adv/pre) V: be in a particular position or condition


soaked ADJ: extreamly wet


relentless ADj: continuing in a severe or extreme way


burutal ADJ: very cruel and violent


a double/triple whammy: two or three unpleasant or difficult situations occur at the smae time, or occure one after the other

ex) The city is now under the double whammy of the Covid-19 and raging floodwaters.


underway ADJ: happening now


wade V: to walk with an effort through sth, especially water or mud


make it (to sth): to succeed in getting somewhere 

ex) Korean team has made it to the semi-final.


shelter for sb/sth N: a building where people or animals that have nowhere to live or that are in danger can stay and receive help

ex) shelter for battered women / shelter for homeless / shelter for runaway children


humanitarian teams = volunteers


dish out sth PHR V: to give sth to various people


harsh ADJ: crul, severe and unkind


carve V: if a river, the wind etc carves land or rock, it removes some of it


allocate sth to sb/sth V: to give sth officially to sb/sth for a particular purpose


damage (UC): a bad effect on sth

do damage / cause damage / damage to sth


near V: to come close to sth in distance, time or state


disaster/famine/flood etc relief: money, food, clothes etc given to people who are poor or hungry


bring sth to an end / a close / a halt / a conclusion: to make sth stop


batter V: to hit sb or sth again and again, in a way that hurts sb or causes damage

ex) batter wives


wreck V: to damage or destroy sth


raging adj: (of natrual forces) very powerful


floodwater N: water that covers an area during a flood






적당한 음주가 중년과 노년층의 인지능력 감퇴 속도를 늦출 수 있다는 새로운 연구 결과가 나왔습니다.

기존의 연구는 음주와 뇌, 심장 건강에 중점을 뒀던 반면, 이번 연구는 두뇌 인지능력과 적당한 음주와의 관계를 장기간에 걸쳐 관찰했습니다.

연구진은 2만명이 참여한 9년간의 인지능력 실험 자료를 조사했습니다.

자료 분석 결과 하루 한잔에서 두잔의 술을 마신 그룹이 술을 마시지 않은 그룹보다 인지능력 실험에서 우수한 결과를 보였습니다.

이는 적당량의 음주를 마시는 그룹이 전혀 술을 마사지 않는 그룹에 비해 수년간에 걸쳐 인지기능 감퇴 속도가 느리게 나타났다고 연구진은 결론지었습니다.

그렇지만, 연구진은 이번 연구 결과로 인해 인지능력을 향상시키려고 하지않던 음주를 시작할 필요는 없으며, 운동이나 책읽기 등으로 인지능력을 향상시킬수 있는 더 좋은 다른 방법들을 권고했습니다.


Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash


Moderate Drinking May Slow Mental Decline

New research has found that light to moderate alcohol consumption may be associated with slower mental decline among middle-aged and older people.
Previous studies have suggested a link between better heart health and regular, moderate drinking, and there has also been some research that points to similar benefits for brain health. But many of these studies did not look specifically at the effects of alcohol on the brain, or measure those effects over time.
The new study from the University of Georgia in the US used data from surveys filled out every two years between 1996 and 2008. Nearly 20,000 people took part, with an average age of just under 62.
Participants also had their cognitive function tested. Cognitive function refers to a number of the brain's abilities, like learning, thinking, remembering, problem-solving, decision-making and paying attention. The tests looked at how well people's minds were working overall.
The researchers found that compared to non-drinkers, people who had a drink or two a day tended to perform better on the tests over time. This was still the case even when they considered factors like age, weight, gender and education.
Lead author Ruiyuan Zhang said the best results were seen among people who had between 10 and 14 drinks a week. However, he also said that that doesn't mean that people who drink less should start drinking more.
Zhang explained that while the study showed an association between moderate drinking and slower mental decline, it could not prove a cause and effect relationship between them.
He also told The New York Times, "Drinking should be limited to moderate levels. Heavy drinking makes cognitive function worse."
"If you are not drinking now, there is no reason to start drinking to preserve cognitive function. There are many other ways to prevent cognitive decline — exercise, reading and so on," he added.


Moderate Drinking May Slow Mental Decline | 엔구 데일리뉴스

최근 뉴스 기사에 기반한 영어 학습 콘텐츠. 매일 새로운 기사가 추가됩니다.



A new study has suggested light drinking could help mental decline slow down among middle-aged and older people. The new study sheds light on the effects of alcohol on the brain over time, while previous studies focused on a relationship between heart or brain health and moderate drinking intake. Researchers analyzed data conducted for 9 years with 20,000 participants at an average of less 62. They looked at their cognitive function test and found that it was likely that people drank a glass of liquor or two every day scored better at the test. What's more intriguing is that people who had between 10 and 14 drinks a week got the best result of the test. The lead author reported that his findings imply that light drinking is associated with slower mental decline, however, they need further study to prove the cause and effect relationship between them. He added that the study doesn't encourage non-drinkers to embark on drinking to improve their cognitive function, recommending better ways to maintain such as exercise and reading, etc.


코로나19 팬데믹은 차량 공유 서비스 사업에도 막대한 지장을 일으키고 있다는 소식입니다.

대표적인 차량 공유 기업으로 알려진 우버는 3천7백명을 해고한지 2주만에, 직원 3천명 추가로 해고하였습니다. 

코로나로 자택 대피령 및 봉쇄 조치로 우버의 차량 호출 수요는 4월 80%의 감소했다고 밝혔습니다.

다행히 우버의 음식 배달 사업의 영향력이 커지며, 우버는 이에 따른 사업 재편 계획을 알렸습니다.


Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash


* 뉴스 원문, 해석, 어휘는 EBSe 영어뉴스 강의안에 근거하였습니다. *


Riding Hardship

승차 불황

Uber laid off another 3,000 employees in May, less than two weeks after it cut 3,700 jobs, and said it would eliminate 1 billion US dollars in costs this year.

우버는 3,700명을 해고한지 2주도 되지 않아 5월에 추가로 3천명을 해고하며 올해 미화 십억불의 비용을 삭감하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

With millions staying at home and shunning shared services due to the coronavirus, Uber said demand for rides was down 80% in April.

코로나바이러스로 수백만며이 자택에 머무르며 공유 서비스를 피하고 있는 상황에서, 우버는 4월에 승차 수요가 80% 감소했다고 말했습니다.

The company added, however, that one silver lining is that its food delivery business has become more important.

그렇지만,  팬데믹에 한가지 밝은 전망은 우버의 식품 배달 사업의 영향력이 커지고 있다고 우버는 덧 붙였습니다.

The company will reorganize its business to focus on core ride-hailing and food-delivery offerings.

우버는 핵심인 승차 호출과 음식 배달 서비스에 집중하도록 사업을 재편할 것 입니다.

It's also closing and consolidating 45 offices globaly.

우버는 또한 전세계 45개 사무실을 닫거나 통합하고 있습니다.


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hardship N: something that makes your life difficult or unpleasant, especially a lack of money, or the condition of having a difficult life


shun V: deliberatly avoid sb or sth


hail V: to call to sb in order to greet them or try to attract their attention


consolidate V: to combine things in order to make them more effective or easier to deal with
