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  1. 2021.08.30
    [영어독해] Man finds $130,000 taped to bottom of used fridge

중고 김치 냉장고에서 현금 1억 원 돈다발 발견

경찰 관계자에 따르면, 지난 8월 6일 제주도에 거주하는 한 남성이 구매한 중고 김치 냉장고 바닥에서 1억 원 상당의 현금을 발견해 경찰 수사에 나섰다고 밝혔습니다.

신고자는 온라인으로 구매한 중고 김치 냉장고를 정리하던 중 냉장고 바닥에 부착된 현금 뭉치를 발견해 경찰에 신고했습니다.

경찰은 판매, 수송, 배달 업체를 대상으로 수사 중에 있습니다.

국내 유실물 법에 따르면, 현금 주인이 나타나지 않는 경우 돈은 신고자 소유가 됩니다. 단, 범죄와 관련된 유실물로 판명되면 국가에 귀속됩니다.

2016년 한 언론 매체는 은행 저금리의 여파로 김치 냉장고 현금 보관 트렌드를 보도한 바 있습니다. 김치 냉장고에는 약 10억 원의 돈을 보관할 수 있는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash


Man finds $130,000 taped to bottom of used fridge

- Police in South Korea said they are investigating after a man bought a used kimchi fridge online and found $130,000 cash taped to the bottom.

Police on Jeju Island said the man filed a police report Aug. 6 saying he was cleaning the recently-delivered fridge when he found the cash stash taped to the bottom of the appliance.

Investigators said they are working to identify the online seller of the refrigerator and are talking to the people involved in its transportation and delivery.

South Korea's Lost and Found Act states the cash will become the property of the man who bought the fridge if the rightful owner can't be tracked down. The money will become the property of the state if it is found to have been involved in a crime.

A 2016 report in The Korea Times documented the trend of people keeping their money stored in kimchi fridges amid record low bank interest rates in South Korea. The report said an average kimchi fridge can hold up to $895,200 cash.

courtesy of


Man finds $130,000 taped to bottom of used fridge

Police in South Korea said they are investigating after a man bought a used kimchi fridge online and found $130,000 cash taped to the bottom.


[영어 요약]

Police in Jeju Island reported that a man found $130,000 cash taped to the bottom of a used kimchi fridge, that he had purchased online, and reported to the police right then and there. Police said that the online seller and people involved in transportation and delivery are cooperating with the police investigation. Under South Korea's Lost and Found Act, the finder will be a keeper unless the rightful owner will show up. In addition, the money will belong to the state if the cash has something to do with a crime.
