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  1. 2021.09.15
    [영어독해] The First Marvel Movie Featured an Asian Superhero Lead

[기사 요약]
스칼렛 요한슨 주연의 '블랙 위도우'로 전 세계 극장을 강타한 마블은, 최신 영화 '샹치와 열개 반지의 전설'로 다시 한번 흥행몰이 중이다.
기존 아시아 슈퍼히어로 영화는 마블 팬들에게 많은 사랑을 받지 못했지만, 마블은 현란한 전투 장면을 담은 '샹치'를 큰 스크린에 선보이며 화제를 불러일으키고 있다.
영화는 캘리포니아 샌프란시스코에서 주차 요원으로 일하며 베스트 프렌드 캐티와 함께 살고 있는 '상치'를 중심으로 이야기가 전개된다. 이번 영화가 주목받는 이유 중 하나는 우주를 구하는 히어로에 중점을 둔 기존 마블 영화와는 다르게 마블 미래를 암시하는 길목에 선 주인공의 개인적인 이야기에 주안점을 두었기 때문에 신선한 반응을 모으고 있다.
'상치'는 평론가들의 극찬을 받고 있으며 개봉 15일 만에 전 세계적으로 1억 7천5백만 달러를 넘게 벌어들이고 있다. 코로나19가 장기화되고 있는 상황에서, '상치'는 예상 밖의 흥행작이다.
또한, 인종차별이 만연한 가운데, 최초 아시아 슈퍼히어로 주연 영화인 상치는 아시아인들의 자긍심을 드높이고 있다.

Image source:

[기사 전문]
“Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings” – the first Marvel movie featured an Asian Superhero Lead
After firing all theaters over the world last July with ‘Black Widow’ movie, starred Scarlett Johansson, Marvel continues to blow up the hit with its latest cinematic entry “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”. The Asian superhero did not leave much impression to Marvel comics’ fans but when the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), took a bold move and brought this character to the big screen, Shang-Chi has now become the prolonging talks of many towns.
The film centered on Shang-Chi (portrayed by Simu Liu), who works as a valet parker and lives in San Francisco, California with his best friend Katy (by Awakwafina). The movie is refreshing as it does not focus on universe-saving details but on telling a personal story that also implies exciting paths for the future of Marvel movies. ‘Shang-Chi’ not only satisfies audiences with its mesmerizing fighting scenes but also bring viewers to tears by laughing and yes, family stories. You can find yourself related to many characters in the movie.
After its world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre and TCL Chinese Theater in Los Angeles on August 16th, 2021 and was screened at CinemaCon on August 25th, the newest Marvel superhero movie was showered with positive feedbacks and reviews from experts. ‘Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten rings” was scored with 92% tomatometer and 98% audience score (by Rotten Tomatoes, the world’s most trusted recommendation resources for quality entertainment; tomatometer score – based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics). This is an impressive and expensive accomplishments for the university of Marvel Cinema.
Nonetheless, ‘Shang-Chi’ kicked off its theatrical run with over $75M on its first 3 days of release and topped the domestic box office for the second Friday in a row, earning $9.7M for a $119.5M domestic total. Besides, the movie has also achieved over $56.2M internationally, added up to $175.7M worldwide after 15 days of release (according to Box Office Mojo). Nevertheless, over its first weekend, ‘Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ also topped the South Korea box office with the gross of $4.75M over the opening weekend, according to the data from Kobis, the tracking service provided by the Korean Film Council. Consider the current circumstances with prolonging COVID-19 pandemic, ‘Shang-Chi’ has so far been a successful piece of art. Besides talking numbers, the first Asian Marvel Superhero Lead makes all the Asian communities walk with the head held high. Under a propagation of racism, ‘Shang-Chi’ comes at the appropriate time to reinforce the beautiful Asian ancestor history of martial art, the resilient of Asian people and the strong bonds within a family.
Simu Liu, starred as Shang-Chi, was commonly mistaken as Korean due to his play in Kim’s convenient, a popular Canadian sitcom about the Kim family and life of a Korea immigrants in Canada. Liu is a Canadian-Chinese actor. Born in an Asian family with high expectations from his parents of being doctors or engineers, two typical choices among Asian families, Liu graduated from Business Administration major and worked as an accountant before he was laid off. He then decided to take a sharp turn in his life to pursue a career as an actor or stuntman. Can we say his dream now comes true?
After the release of ‘Shang-Chi’, Liu becomes a new inspiration among Asian community for his perseverance and friendly personality. Of course, he is now making history with ‘Shang-Chi’ and sharpening the power of being an Asian.
‘Shang-Chi’ is now on every theater across South Korea.

courtesy of


“Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings” – the first Marvel movie featured an Asian Superhero Lead - 퍼블릭뉴스

지난 7월 스칼렛 요한슨 주연의 영화 \'블랙 위도우\'로 전 세계 극장을 강타한 마블은 최근 개봉한 영화 \'샹치와 열 반지의 전설\'로 흥행을 이어가고 있다.아시아의 슈퍼히어로는 마블 코믹스

[영어 요약]
Marvel, one of the giant movie makers, hit yet another jackpot with the debut of an Asian superhero movie, Shang-Chi and the Legends of Ten Rings. It was obvious that conventional Asian superheroes were not Marvel fans' cup of tea until Marvel took unusual steps to run Shang-Chi on a big screen with its fascinating fighting scenes. It now became a smash hit. The movie is about a personal life dealing with friction between a son, Sang-Chi, and a father. The film is highly praised for not only dynamic action scenes but also a family-centered story that brings tears and laugher to audiences' eyes. 'Snag-Chi' has so far received credit for 98% audience score, bring in over $175 million worldwide in just 15 days of its cinematic entry. In addition, it topped the South Korea box office, raking in an estimated $4 million over the opening weekend. Given the circumstances that the Covid-19 pandemic is here to stay, the film has been a surprise hit. Moreover, amid the prevalence of racism, the first Asain superhero lead helps all the Asian ethnic groups feel a glow of pride.
