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  1. 2021.04.08
    [영어독해] New Zealand Charity Opens Free Supermarket

뉴질랜드 공유 슈퍼마켓 등장

뉴질랜드의 한 자선 단체가 도움이 필요한 이들을 위한 무료 슈퍼마켓 물을 열었다는 소식입니다.

이 자선 단체는 기존의 식품 꾸러미 전달 방식 대신, 취약층이 필요한 제품을 진열장에서 골라 가져 갈 수 있는 소셜 슈퍼마켓 개념의 무료 슈퍼마켓의 문을 활짝 열었습니다.

소셜 슈퍼마켓을 이용하고자 하는 취약층의 가족 구성원 수에 따라 포인트가 주어지며, 제공받은포인트로 물건을 구매할 수 있습니다.

슈퍼마켓 관계자는 식료품 지원을 받는 것에 대한 부끄러움을 없애고 이들의 자존감을 높이는 것이 이번 소셜 마켓 개장의 이유라고 밝혔습니다.

유엔 식량 농업 기구는 2014년부터 2019년까지 뉴질랜드에서 양질의 식사를 못하는 인구가 꾸준히 늘고 있다고 보도한 바 있습니다.


Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash


New Zealand Charity Opens Free Supermarket

A new supermarket has opened in New Zealand and everything inside is free.
The supermarket is run by Wellington City Mission, a charity in the New Zealand capital that usually gives food packages to those in need. However, it's now trying something different.
On March 16, the charity opened its Social Supermarket. Instead of getting a package of food, people who need support can choose which products they want from the shelves, just like a normal supermarket.
The store has 3,000 products, including fruit, vegetables, pasta and cheese.
Each product has a color that's worth a number of points from one to five. Every time someone visits the supermarket they get points to spend. A single adult will get 55 points and a large family will get 75 points, for example.
People can then choose what to spend their points on. Products such as canned food cost one point, while diapers and chocolate-covered almonds cost five points.
Murray Edridge of Wellington City Mission said the idea of the Social Supermarket is to give people more dignity. "We can only imagine how hard it must be ... to ask for food support," he said.
Wellington City Mission plans to slowly stop offering food packages during 2021 as more people use the supermarket.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2.8% of people in New Zealand couldn't get enough good-quality food from 2014 to 2016. By 2017 to 2019, this number had risen to 4.5%.

courtesy of


New Zealand Charity Opens Free Supermarket | Engoo 데일리뉴스

A new supermarket has opened in New Zealand and everything inside is free.

[영어 요약]

A Charity in New Zealand has launched a free food supermarket for those in need. The Charity, which used to give away food packages to people who live below the poverty line, now introduced a new social supermarket hoping to offer the have-nots easy access to free food. People can opt for food that they need from the shelve just like any other normal supermarket. The store is run by a point system, labeling each product from one point to five points. Visitors will be entitled to points depending on the number of their family members when they visit the store. A spokesman for the supermarket pointed out what they need in this campaign is a much better understanding of how shameful people are when they get food support and to encourage people to have more dignity. Meanwhile, the Food and Agriculture Organization estimated New Zealand had seen a steady rise in the number of people who couldn't have enough decent food from 2014 to 2017.
