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  1. 2021.10.16
    [영어독해] Oxford English Dictionary Adds 26 Korean Words

[기사 요약]
한국 문화가 전세계 인들의 주목을 받고 있는 가운데, 세계에서 가장 권위 있는 영어 사전인 '옥스퍼드 영어 사전' 출판부가 한국어 26개를 등록하겠다고 밝혔다.
옥스퍼드 출판부는 김밥, 치맥, 불고기 등의 한국 음식을 사전 목록에 올렸다.
또한, 한류와 K드라마를 추가하고 누나, 오빠 등의 호칭을 함께 실었다.

Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash

[기사 원문]

Oxford English Dictionary Adds 26 Korean Words

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has added 26 words of Korean origin, as interest in everything Korean — including food, music and film — grows all over the world.
Many of the words on the new list include types of Korean food. One of them is kimbap, which is cooked rice with vegetables, fish or meat rolled in seaweed — a bit like sushi. Another is chimaek — Korean-style fried chicken and beer.
There's also bulgogi — a dish made from thin pieces of beef or pork that you barbecue or fry.
With the international success of boy band BTS, the Oscar-winning movie Parasite and Netflix's extremely popular Squid Game TV show, it's no surprise that words from Korean popular culture have been included too.
For example, the OED added hallyu, which means "Korean wave," and is used in English to refer to South Korean popular culture and entertainment. So, you might have a "hallyu fan" or a "hallyu star."
The OED also included "K-drama," which is a Korean language television show made in Korea.
Then you have words like noona, used by a male to talk to his older sister or older female friend, and oppa, used by a female to speak to her older brother, older male friend or boyfriend. The characters in K-dramas often use noona and oppa.
The OED said that the use of Korean-origin words in English shows how the language is being changed from places outside of its traditional centers in the UK and the US.
And if the success of Korean entertainment and popular culture continues, there may be many more new words to come!

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Oxford English Dictionary Adds 26 Korean Words | Engoo 데일리뉴스

영어 학습자를 위한 세계적인 시사 뉴스. 모든 레벨에 대해 매일 업데이트되며, 초급에서 고급까지 제공됩니다!

[영어 요약]
As Korean culture became the prolonging talks in many towns, the Oxford English Dictionary (OECD) has decided to add 26 words of Korean origin ranging from food to music and film. This move came after Hallyu gathered momentum to catch on every corner of the globe. South Korean boy band BTS along with the Oscar-winning movie Parasite are partly attributable to Korean sensation.
