‘On-foot’ Delivery Service Offers a Job, Exercise
도보 배달로 용돈도 벌고 운동도 한다.
An increasing number of delivery workers are choosing to deliver parcels on foot, rather than using other means of transportation.
도보 배달원들이 늘고 있습니다. 이들은 다른 배송 수단을 이용하는 대신 도보 배달을 하고 있습니다.
Women, in particular, are tapping into the delivery business to earn money and get a bit of a work out at the same time.
특히나 여성들은 용돈도 별면서 동시에 운동도 겸할수 있는 배달 아르바이트를 활용하고 있는 것입니다.
Neighborhood Delivery, a new on-foot delivery platform designed by GS Retail Co., operator of convenience store chain GS25, attracted 7,000 applicants in just 13 days after starting recruitment.
GS25 편의점 운영자인 GS리테일이 개발한 도보 배달 플랫폼 ‘우리동네 딜리버리’의 경우 도보 배달원 채용을 개시하자 불과 13일 만에 7천명이 몰렸습니다.
On-foot delivery is popular among job seekers since they don’t need a bicycle, motorcycle, or a car to start working.
배달에 자전거, 오토바이, 자동차 등이 필요치 않아 도보 배달은 구직자들 사이에서 인기가 많습니다.
It also allows participants to ‘exercise’ as they earn money.
도보 배달은 용돈도 벌면서 운동도 할 수 있다는 장점이 있습니다.
Considering that delivery staff are paid 3,300 won for each delivery, they can make approximately 1 million (US$900) each month if they work 3 hours a day, delivering three parcels every hour.
배달 건당 3천3백원의 수입을 고려했을 때, 배달원이 한 시간에 3건 매일 3시간을 일하면, 한달에 대략 백만원(900달러)를 벌수 있습니다.
Thanks to the accessibility of the new service, many women are joining the delivery workforce.
도보 배달 진입 장벽이 낮은 덕분에, 배달업에 뛰어드는 여성이 늘고 있습니다.
Roughly one-third of all delivery staff registered on Woodil were women.
우딜에 등록된 여성 배달원 비중이 약 3분의 1을 차지하고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.
MG Playing, another on-foot delivery service platform, has female staff as much as 60 percent of the delivery workforce, a striking feature considering that other delivery platforms involving motorcycles and other means of transportation have men comprising 95 to 99 percent of all delivery staff.
또다른 도보 배달 앱인 앰지플레잉 여성 배달원 비중이 자그마치 60%에 육박한 것으로 알려졌습니다. 이는 일반적 배달 대행 앱의 경우 남성의 비율이 95~99%에 달한다는 점을 감안하면 상당히 이례적인 수치입니다.
Source: http://koreabizwire.com/on-foot-delivery-service-offers-a-job-exercise/175652
‘On-foot’ Delivery Service Offers a Job, Exercise - Be Korea-savvy
SEOUL, Nov. 30 (Korea Bizwire) — An increasing number of delivery workers are choosing to deliver parcels on foot, rather than using …
[영영 요약]
A staggering number of people have joined on-foot delivery workforce instead of a conventional delivery service platform, which requires a driver’s or motorcycle license. That’s why women are eager to become on-foot delivery staff. Furthermore, this job allows delivery staff to work out as well as earning money since the staff only work within their neighborhood. Providing that delivery staff make 3,300 won per parcel, they could get paid 1 million won at the end of a month as long as they work three hours a day, delivering three parcels each hour. What’s more interesting is that on-foot delivery service platform had as many as 7,000 applicants shortly after the operator of the platform posted job openings. Women play a major role in on-foot delivery service made up one-third of all the delivery staff as the new platform is accessible to all.