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  1. 2020.06.17
    [UPI] Pop-up drive-in theaters bring movies back in New Jersey, New York

미국에서는 1960년대, 국내에서는 1990년대에 성업했던 자동차 극장은 복합사영관의 등장과 가정내 DVD 보급으로 자동차 극장을 찾는 관람객이 줄어들어들며 자동차 극장의 수는 점차 감소하게 되었습니다.

더군다나 이제는 IPTV나 스트리밍 서비스를 이용하여 영화를 감상하는 시대가 도래하였습니다.

그런데, 코로나19 대유행 시대에 자동차 전용 극장이 다시 한번 환영받고 있다는 소식입니다.

미국 뉴저지와 뉴욕에서는 넓직한 야외 주차장에서 자동차 라디오 주파수로 소리를 들으며 대형 스크린으로 영화를 감상할수 있는 자동차 극장이 성업입니다.

뉴저지 자동차 극장 대표는 70여개의 주차 공간의 간격을 사회적 거리두기 지침에 맞추어 재배치했으며, 관람객들은 자동차에 탄 채 영화를 감상하기 때문에 바이러스의 감염으로부터 안전하다고 전했습니다.
더군다나, 뉴욕의 자동차 극장에서는 영화뿐만 아니라 관람객을 위한 특별한 식사 메뉴까지 제공하고 있으며, 마스크와 장갑을 착용한 관람객은 화장실도 사용할 수 있다는 소식까지 더하고 있습니다.


Photo by DesignClass on Unsplash





Pop-up drive-in theaters bring movies back in New Jersey, New York

Businesses in New Jersey and New York are reviving a once-dwindling concept by opening pop-up drive-in movie theaters in their parking lots.

 Pop-up drive-in theaters bring movies back in New Jersey, New York

  Businesses in New Jersey and New York are reviving a once-dwindling concept by opening pop-up drive-in movie theaters in their parking lots.
The Kathedral Events Center in Hammonton, N.J., announced it has started showing movies in the social distancing-friendly style of a drive-in theater with its "Karpool Cinema" series.
The pop-up theater held its first event Thursday night with a showing of Sonic the Hedgehog.
"When guests arrive on site, we have a staff member direct them on where to park. That way, they have the ability to open their tailgate, roll down the windows and enjoy," Maximillian Rodio, executive director of Kathedral Events Center, told WPVI-TV.
Rodio said the parking lot has been repartitioned into 75 parking spots spaced about 10 feet apart to comply with social distancing guidelines amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The films are projected onto a 40-foot screen, and the sound is broadcast to the vehicles via FM radio.
Meanwhile, the Bel Aire Diner in New York's Queens borough has erected a 25-foot screen in its parking lot to show classic films and cartoons to an audience of up to 40 vehicles.
The diner partnered with pop-up event company Long Island Movie Nights to show films including Dirty Dancing and Grease, as well as classic cartoons such as Popeye. The diner is offering a special menu for patrons attending the screenings and customers are allowed to use the restrooms, provided they wear masks and gloves.



partition 동사: to divide into parts, pieces, sections


borough 명사: a self-governing incorporated town in some U.S. states, such as New Jersey.


erect 동사: to build something such as a building or wall


providing that / provided that 접속사: used to say what must happen or be done to make it possible for sth else to happen



  In New Jersey and New York, drive-in cinemas have made a comeback in times of Covid19 pandemic. Movie theatres allow movigoers to watch the latest filims safely from the virus into their cars with their tailgate and windows open. A New Jersey drive-in movie cinema spokesman assured film-goers that they would be safe from the infection since he rearranged 75 parking spots, adhering to social distancing restrictions. As in New Jersey, a pop-up drive-in movie cinema in New York's Queens borough has shown classic films and cartoons, offering a big screen with spacious parking lots, a special menu for their patrons and even the restrooms, providing that they put on face masks and gloves.



