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스니커테크가 밀레니얼 세대를 중심으로 뜨고 있다는 소식입니다.
기존 고가 명품에 투자하는 재테크인 ‘샤테크(샤넬+재테크)’ ‘루테크(루이뷔통+재테크)’ ‘롤테크(롤렉스+재테크)의 뒤를 이어 고가 한정판 스니커즈를 구매한 뒤 되팔아 이익을 챙기는 ‘스니커테크(스니커즈+재테크)’가 20대 사이에서 열풍을 불고 있습니다.

나이키가 아이스크림 브랜드 벤 앤 제리스와 콜로보로 발매한 스니커즈는 12만9천원에 발매하였습니다.
추첨 방식으로 판매된 이 운동화는, 단 3일만에 한 리셀 마켓에서 1,630%의 수익율을 기록하며 210만원에 판매되었습니다.
여기서 리셀이란 쓰던 물건을 사고 파는 기존의 중고 거래를 의미하는 것이 아니라, 신제품을 구매한 뒤, 새제품 그대로 몇 일 뒤에 출시 가격보다 높은 가격인 시장가격에 되파는 밀레니얼 세대의 ‘신종 재테크’인 셈입니다.
밀레니얼 세대는 한정판 운동화 구매를 위해서라면 매장 앞에서 출시 전날부터 노숙도 마다하지 않습니다.
이는 보통 리셀 거래로 얻는 수익률은 출시 가격의 1,000%에 달하기 때문입니다.
리셀 거래는 20대를 중심으로 폭발적인 인기를 얻고 있으며, 이들 사이에서는 운동화는 단순한 재화가 아닌, 투자하여 이익을 낼 수 있는 주식으로 여기고 있습니다.




Reselling Sneakers a Gold Mine for Young Koreans - Be Korea-savvy

SEOUL, June 2 (Korea Bizwire) — The “Nike X Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Dunky” sneakers, created as part of a …

Reselling Sneakers a Gold Mine for Young Koreans

The “Nike X Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Dunky” sneakers, created as part of a collaboration between the multinational footwear brand Nike and the premium ice cream brand Ben & Jerry’s, were released at a price of 129,000 won (US$105) on May 26.
Just three days after the sneakers were released and sold by drawing lots, they were selling for a whopping 2.1 million won, a 1,630 percent increase from their release price, on the resale platform ‘XXBlue.’
In other words, the buyers who purchased the sneakers for 129,000 won could chalk up a profit of about 1.9 million won just three days later.
Sneaker resale is gaining popularity as a new money-making technique, particularly among 20-somethings in South Korea.
Sneaker resale does not refer to the transaction of used sneakers. Instead, it’s becoming a new way to make money for millennials who are willing to wait days in front of sneaker shops to buy newly-released models.
After buying, they can resell the brand-new sneakers at a price about 1,000 percent higher than the release price. As such, sneakers are more like stocks rather than commodities, and can be listed and traded on resale platforms.



a gold mine: a business or activity that produces large profits

                 = a moneymaker = a moneyspinner = a cash cow

draw / cast lots: too choose something or somebody by lot 

chalk up sth: to succeed in getting sth

Sneaking down the street, a long line of shoppers flock to one sneaker shop, all of them hoping to get their hands on the limited-editon sneakers. The sneakers were released at a price of 129,000 won and were sold by casting lots. In just three days, the sneakers were traded to the tune of 2,100,000 won on a resale market, giving the buyers a high profit. Sneaker resale has recently become a huge moneymaker among Millenials in Korea. Yet, reselling is far different from a secondhand deal. This is the newly formed technique to make it possible for the young to get a high return via resale platforms. A score of avid sneaker buyers even don’t mind camping overnight in front of sneaker shops just ahead of the release of new models. The young see sneakers as their stocks to invest in rather than goods.
