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Moderate Drinking May Slow Mental Decline

New research has found that light to moderate alcohol consumption may be associated with slower mental decline among middle-aged and older people.
Previous studies have suggested a link between better heart health and regular, moderate drinking, and there has also been some research that points to similar benefits for brain health. But many of these studies did not look specifically at the effects of alcohol on the brain, or measure those effects over time.
The new study from the University of Georgia in the US used data from surveys filled out every two years between 1996 and 2008. Nearly 20,000 people took part, with an average age of just under 62.
Participants also had their cognitive function tested. Cognitive function refers to a number of the brain's abilities, like learning, thinking, remembering, problem-solving, decision-making and paying attention. The tests looked at how well people's minds were working overall.
The researchers found that compared to non-drinkers, people who had a drink or two a day tended to perform better on the tests over time. This was still the case even when they considered factors like age, weight, gender and education.
Lead author Ruiyuan Zhang said the best results were seen among people who had between 10 and 14 drinks a week. However, he also said that that doesn't mean that people who drink less should start drinking more.
Zhang explained that while the study showed an association between moderate drinking and slower mental decline, it could not prove a cause and effect relationship between them.
He also told The New York Times, "Drinking should be limited to moderate levels. Heavy drinking makes cognitive function worse."
"If you are not drinking now, there is no reason to start drinking to preserve cognitive function. There are many other ways to prevent cognitive decline — exercise, reading and so on," he added.


Moderate Drinking May Slow Mental Decline | 엔구 데일리뉴스

최근 뉴스 기사에 기반한 영어 학습 콘텐츠. 매일 새로운 기사가 추가됩니다.



A new study has suggested light drinking could help mental decline slow down among middle-aged and older people. The new study sheds light on the effects of alcohol on the brain over time, while previous studies focused on a relationship between heart or brain health and moderate drinking intake. Researchers analyzed data conducted for 9 years with 20,000 participants at an average of less 62. They looked at their cognitive function test and found that it was likely that people drank a glass of liquor or two every day scored better at the test. What's more intriguing is that people who had between 10 and 14 drinks a week got the best result of the test. The lead author reported that his findings imply that light drinking is associated with slower mental decline, however, they need further study to prove the cause and effect relationship between them. He added that the study doesn't encourage non-drinkers to embark on drinking to improve their cognitive function, recommending better ways to maintain such as exercise and reading, etc.
